"The Sound of Sirens" - New Book Reviews
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“The Sound of Sirens” – More Book Reviews Just In….
Here are three new book reviews recently received for this book.
This was one of my favourite reads of recent months, a really refreshing novel that kept me engrossed throughout.
I liked the writing style and David Carter has a unique way with words, his descriptions are particularly strong and he knows what to write without waffling on. The writing style, combined with well-researched material and a great lead character in Inspector Walter Darriteau made sure the storyline never lost its zest.
The plots and sub-plots are woven together in an accomplished manner, the sign of a great storyteller. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys great writing.
- Jack D, Amazon.com
What a truly great book this was! The story is based around Inspector Walter Darriteau and Chester where he lives.
The inspector is a hard worker and he does his best to keep the streets free of bad guys but unfortunately he comes across quite a few of them in his line of work. I don't know which I enjoyed more , the plot or the characters. they were both truly well written and very enjoyable.
What started off as a simple enough plot quickly got more intriguing and the pace really began to quicken leaving it very hard for me to put the book down. I was seriously impressed by this story and these characters, if you love a great crime story then this one will leave you very satisfied. It was an intricate plot told very well and I had genuine moments of being totally gripped by the story, where if someone had spoken to me I would not have heard them....
As soon as I finished reading this I had to find out what else this author had written. I can't wait to read more about Inspector Darriteau !!!. Go get this immediately!
- Goodreads.com
The Sound of Sirens had me hooked from the beginning. Inspector Walter Darriteau and his team are in charge of solving a murder in Chester, leaving them with a mystery about who did it and why. The story keeps expanding while they discover more clues about the life of the victim and the possible motives any suspect might have.
The characters in this book were very appealing to me and I mostly enjoyed the story of the Khan family, I really got involved in the lives of these people and the story of their family.
I like how everything that happens in the book causes a lot of other events and stories to come to light. This is also what got me to not being able to put the book away, because it was not yet clear how all these stories were going to come together.
The Sound of Sirens is a book I really liked, and I am sure I will read more books by David Carter and the stories of Inspector Walter Darriteau in the future. Anyone who enjoys a good detective should give this book a try.
Don't forget you can have a downloaded version of this book right now to your Kindle or PC in the next few minutes and it will only cost you just £1.86, and that is a bargain.
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